Ioncube Php Encoder Crack

One option to protect your code against copy, ensuring nobody will be able to crack it is using ionCube. The ionCube Encoder compiles source code to bytecode being able to obfuscate and encrypt compiled code.

Once your php application is compiled with ioncube to bytecode, to run it you will have to install the ionCube Loader php extension.

In this post, we will show you how to install the ionCube loader

Support for PHP 7. The new PHP 7 ionCube Loaders will run files produced by the version 9 PHP 5.6 Encoder. 2016-03-22 5.1.2 ionCube24 Fix for potential issue with over 3000 cache entries. With the İoncube Decoder Encoder, you can Use a dedicated algorithm for each source. Protect PHP scripts with compiled bytecode for best performance and protection. Produce encoded PHP files to run on PHP 7.4 and earlier. Use PHP language features up to PHP 7.2.

Ioncube Php Encoder 7.0 Crack - Oct 23, 2019 IonCube Encoder version 10.2 is now available as an update to version 10! It features encoding support for PHP 7.2 and a useful new bundling feature which we’ll discuss in this article.Version 10 includes encoding support for PHP 4, 5, 7.1 and 7.2 as well as security for the strongest protection.

Let’s describe the step-by-step process for a 64bit Linux distribution (e.g. ubuntu 18.04 LTS).

IMPORTANT: if you are running your WordPress on a wetopi server you can jump to step 3. Load the ionCube extension, ionCube Loader is already installed!

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1 Download ionCube Loader

Download the latest release of ionCube Loader at

Download and extract:

2 Add the ionCube Loader php extension

You can find the folder where you have to copy the ioncube loader extension, using this shell command :

And copy your ioncube .so extension inside the folder displayed by the previous command, with php7.3 it should look like:

Ioncube Php Loader

Before restarting the php-fpm process, you have to declare the zend_extension in the php.ini configuration file. The best way to proceed is to create a new .ini file inside the php extension configuration directory. You can find the configuration path with this shell command:

It will show you the path of the directory for the additional .ini file of the php cli. If you are running php-fpm, the directory will be the same but instead of /etc/php/7.3/cli/, it will begin with /etc/php/7.3/fpm/

3 Load the ionCube extension

Ioncube Php Encoder Crack Full

To load ionCube we have to declare it as a zend_extension.

If you are running a wetopi specialized WordPress server, open an SFTP connection and edit your php.ini file /var/www/conf/php.ini

Ioncube Php Encoder Crack

Locate this block of code and remove the ';' to uncomment the zend_extension line:

On a clean Ubuntu 18.04 install, you can use the following shell command to write the ini file inside the corresponding configuration directory:

The last step is to reload the php-fpm process to apply the new configuration:

4 Apply the new configuration

If you are running a wetopi specialized WordPress server, You can reload php-fpm with a simple click in your wetopi panel. Go to your site server and click the Reload button you’ll find inside the “Menu Options”:

On an Ubuntu 18.04 install, you can use the standard shell command:

5 Verify ionCube loader is running

You can check if the install was successful with the command php -v, it should output something like:

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Ioncube Php Encoder Crack

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Ioncube Php Encoder Crack Download

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