Ndm File Transfer Tutorial Unix

[ SDF Public Access UNIX System .. Est. 1987 ]

  1. Ndm File Transfer Tutorial Unix
  2. Ndm File Transfer Tutorial Unix Programming

This tutorial discusses various ways to get data from and to a local(external) machine into and out of SDF.


Network Data Mover (NDM) is a legacy file transfer product developed by System Center. NDM is now owned by Sterling Commerce and has been renamed to Connect:Direct. Just a quick Overview on Connect:Direct Today's organizations need more than FTP. Every organization depends on the reliable movement of files. Hi, I have configured NDM (Connect: Direct) to copy a bunch of files from one server to another. I create a master file contains the list of files which need to copied, and my shell script read the file and send the file one by one thru NDM. The problem is, since the files are very big in size. 1.1 Connecting from other machines to the Course Linux Server Index. Usually, you will be using some local machine (e.g. Your own laptop or desktop machine running Windows or OSX) and you will want to connect to the Course Linux Server (CLS) to transfer a file.

  1. FTP - File Transfer Protocol
  2. scp and sftp - secure copying and ftp
  3. ssh and tar - securely copying directories
  4. Gopher and HTTP - using the internet for download
  5. Terminal - direct copying via the terminal
  6. E-mail - for small files only
  7. Glossary - explications of terms

To Do

  • x/y/zmodem transfers
  • kermit transfers


To transport data between SDF and your local (or any other external)machine, there are various ways. Their availability depends on your memberlevel on SDF (see theFAQ, MEMBER sectionfor more information), the external system, and their connection.

FTP - File Transfer Protocol

FTP(File Transfer Protocol) on SDF is available only fordownloading public files. This is for security reasons. Forupload and download of private files, scp and sftpmust be used.
Note: ARPA membership allows for up-&download via FTP; however,it is better to use scp or sftp if possible, as FTP is unencrypted, and your passwords also have to travel in the clear.

For download, point your FTP program to sdf.org and doanonymous FTP to read data (username anonymous, passwordyourlogin@sdf.org, or another of your e-mailaddresses).

scp and sftp - secure copying and ftp

scp and sftp are secure ways to transfer data between computers,based on ssh (secure shell). If you've only worked with ftp before, you'll be surprised at the ease and benefits to using scp.

Let's say you're logged into sdf and you want to transfer some pictures from your home machine (named foo in this example) to your sdf home directory. You would want to use the following command:

Ndm file transfer tutorial unix pdfscp *.jpg me@sdf.org :/your/remote/home/

Let's break that down

The command itself.
The files you want to transfer.
Your username @ the server you wish to connect to.
The directory you'd like to upload it.

Unless you've installed ssh authorization keys, you'll be prompted for your username and password. Afterwhich, you should have output similar to this:

On SDF, you need to have ARPA membership to be able to use them. Check the manpages of scp and ssh for more information and options to use.

On Windows machines, you can use the PuTTY programs.

Ndm File Transfer Tutorial Unix

ssh and tar - securely copying directories

The tar archiving tool can be used with ssh to quickly duplicate wholedirectory trees:

tar cf - target_dir | ssh me@freeshell.org ' tar xf - -C ~/path/ '

Note: this trick requires compatible versions of tar on the local and remote systems

Gopher and HTTP - using the internet for download

To get data out of SDF on a local machine, you can of course publish themon your gopher- or web-site. Please check theFAQ, GOPHER sectionand thewebsite tutorialfor information how to set up these sites.

Please note that HTTP traffic is bandwidth limited depending on yourmembership level; if you go over the quota, your site will be temporarilyblocked!

To prevent access by everybody, see the FAQ entry aboutpassword protectionof websites.

Terminal - direct copying via the terminal

For transferring small amount of text data (scripts, tables,source code snippets), think about copy/paste directly in theterminal! If you areMetaARPA,then you can use screen and its built-in copy facility totransfer data between different screens.

To append text input in the terminal to a file on SDF, you can open thefile on SDF in your favouritetext editor.Or simply use the command cat >>file, sendthe data to the terminal (via the paste function), and finish witha single line containing only ^D (CTRL-D) - to do that in theterminal, hit RETURN, CTRL-D, RETURN; this will close the standardinput the cat was reading from.

E-mail - for small files only

If you have to transfer binary data and cannot use scp (because you're notARPA,which is a pity), then you may need to use file transfer via e-mail. Forthis, you attach the data you want to get into SDF to a message which yousend to your address on SDF (yourlogin@sdf.org). On SDF, youread the message and save the attachment where you need the data (e.g, inyour home directory, from where you can move them using mv).

This may not work for large attachments, as the e-mail system(everywhere!) was not intended for file transfer. If you have toregularly transfer large files, you should seriously considerbecoming ARPA!


These are additionalmembershiplevels on SDF which allow for more commands and provide more space and thegood feeling of supporting SDF!
to get data from SDF to your local machine; imagineSDF sitting somewhere uphill so that everybody can see it - thenyou get the data down from SDF
This is a software suite for Windows machines for ssh and scp connections.
Super Dimensional Fortress - if you don't know what that is,then why are you reading this..? wink
The equipment used to connect to a computer in text mode(for a more accurate definition see the correspondingWikipedia entry),or in a narrower context the window which gives access to a SDF in text mode.If you are using Windows, it may be a telnet window (or better usePuTTY for secure access via ssh - that's even possible withoutbeing ARPA), or on a Linux machine an xterm window.
to get data to SDF from your local machine; seedownload

Ndm File Transfer Tutorial Unix

$Id: filetransfer.html,v 1.17 2020/01/01 22:27:19 niro Exp $
©1987-2065 SDF Public Access UNIX System, Inc. 501(c)(7)
(this page was generated using ksh, sed and awk)

Ndm File Transfer Tutorial Unix Programming

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We have a Win2003 server, where we receive files through NDM and at any time, we would be receiving 6 files from different sources. The CPU on this server is always > 95%, which.
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Keywords: Want to use NDM for Filetransfer oth.... I would strongly suggest that you work with your security group and try to get.
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FTP files from Web to e. http://www.pdfgeni.com/book/ NDM- File- Transfer-pdf.html. responsibilities will be to work with NDM / Connect:Direct, NDM SecurePlus and FSTP to.
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... overwhelmed by NDM on one system. However, our first shot at using a resource group involved setting a maximum so low, our filetransfer people couldn't get their work done even.
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Hands-on technical responsibilities will be to work with NDM / Connect:Direct, NDM SecurePlus and FSTP to conduct filetransfers. - Projects will include a large number of multi.
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